On November 17th, at the Baltic Opera, XXIII “Pomorska Nagroda Gryf Gospodarczy 2022” (The Pomeranian Economic Griffin Award) gala took place. Among the companies participating in the competition, SAICON Sp. z o.o. was one of the finalists.
The company was nominated in the “Export Leader – Medium and Large Enterprise” category and was awarded a special medal and a diploma. The award was presented to the CEO of SAICON Sp. z o.o. by the Vice Marshal of the Pomeranian Voivodeship, Leszek Bonna , and the competition jury members. During the speech, the Vice Marshal of the Pomeranian Voivodeship also thanked the awarded companies for their enormous contribution to developing the national regional economy and promoting responsible business.
We are very honoured that SAICON was appreciated and was among the best Pomeranian companies and the finalists of the award in the category of “Export Leader, Medium and Large Enterprise 2022” – says Michał Piechówka, CEO at SAICON Sp. z o.o.
Receiving this prestigious award is a recognition for our company that thanks to the dynamic development of our export activities, we also influence the development of the Pomeranian region – adds CEO.

The competition was organized by “Pomorska Rada Przedsiębiorczości” (Pomeranian Business Council) under the auspices of the Marshal of the Pomeranian Voivodeship Mieczysław Struk.
Foto: fot. Maciej Czarniak/trojmiasto.pl